let me tell you

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If you were to crack open my worn, paperback journal Bible, you would see the date March 16, 2020 written at the top of John 1. Today, I am parked in John 16, reading the same scripture about the Holy Spirit and prayer over and over, challenging myself to believe and live the words.

For those who did the mental math in your head, that means I have spent a little more than 9 months in just 16 chapters of God’s Word. 

I have read only 7 or 8 books, start to finish. Listened to a few on Audible.

I have tried maybe 4 or 5 new recipes.

I have had time for less than a dozen podcast episodes in their entirety. 

My point: the amount of content I have had the bandwidth or time to take in has slowed to a trickle. So why, dear friends, have I been trying to create a monthly content collection that I convince you to sign up for?

Let’s be honest, If you are looking for that, I am the last person you should be looking to. Because I have to tell you nine months out of the year that I am still reading the book of John, that I don’t have any books to recommend right now, that I am longing for a little bit of quiet in my day so I rarely listen to podcasts, or that no one, not one person, in thirty-five years has ever asked me where I buy my clothes.

I’m learning I have to be confident enough in the writer I’m not to move forward as the writer I am. 

So I am changing how I steward the people who choose to follow my words and my stories. Psalm 66:16 has, for years, been the sentence I have wanted to define my work: “Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” 

Every single person who hits that follow button, who puts their email address in the subscribe box, who opens the link to an essay, is a real person, with real fears and real hopes and real questions. I cannot consistently offer that person a curated list of things I am loving. I can, however, consistently tell you what God has done for me, because he shows up every single day with more grace. 

That, friends, is my whole story: I am rescued by grace. I’d love to share with you what that looks like from here. 

Let me tell you - No. 1 - goes out in January. It’s about fear, but mostly, it’s about Who I am trying to turn to with it.

You can subscribe right here.

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