what was, what will be


It was the year 
Her baby girl got her last name
Her children were home
Her church family fractured
Her womb grew
Her husband broke

It was the year
She was told “no.”
She put her own words away for a while
She buried scripture in her heart
She got comfortable with quiet
She begged God to help her unbelief

It was the year
Her selfishness was clear
Her repentance was necessary
Her priorities changed
Her world got smaller
Her intentions grew deeper

It was the year 
She let the kids blow bubbles in the house
She watched her oldest child think deeply
She laughed with her toddlers
She rejoiced at progress
She realized she was the witness, not the source

It was the year
Her motives changed
Her dreams learned submission
Her husband began to heal
Her children gave her grace
Her heart held the paradox of it all

It will be the year
She says “Lord willing”
She chooses surrender
She rejoices at the ordinary
She shows up joy 
She remembers where hope lives



*Rhythm membership is closed for the year, but I hope to see you back in 2022!

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